During the carnival one game that had many people come to play was the silly string. Lots of kids came to shoot and throw silly string at one another. Many of the kids that played returned to play it again. Another game that was doing well was the sponge game. This game is where the kids got to throw a wet sponge at a board with a hole cut out for someone to put their face through. Even though the kids got wet, they still kept offering to get sponges thrown at them by other students. The kids really enjoyed the games that were at the carnival.
While working the silly string game, Annie VanTine and Emma Rudd got a whole giant can of silly string sprayed at them by elementary student Ben Zelenka. Ben had kindly asked for a big can of silly string. Then he politely asked if the girls could help him open it. Then immediately after the girls handed him back his can silly string started to spray all over Annie and Emma. Finally, after what seemed like at least ten minuets, the can ran out of string. As Ben went running away laughing Annie and Emma just sat there trying to understand what had just happened. They had been silly stringed by a elementary student.
In the end the carnival was a very fun and exciting day for all the students, friends, and families that attended. After all the hard work setting up, the hard work doing the games, and getting a can of silly string sprayed all over, the CCS Carnival had a very good outcome and all the students enjoyed it very much.
- Emma Rudd, Freshman