Last week the
Kindergarteners had their Valentine’s Day Party. They had four
stations that they rotated to and did an activity. One station they
decorated a heart shaped cookie. One station they decorated a mailbox
with stickers to put their Valentine’s in. They made a wall hanging
craft with Valentine bears at the third station. The fourth station
was a graphing/sorting activity the Kindergarteners did with
conversation hearts. After they completed their stations, they had a
valentine snack with a valentine trail mix, crackers and cheese,
fruit kabobs, and carrots and dip. All the mothers help to bring in
party supplies for the Kindergarteners.
The favorite part of the
party is passing out Valentine’s. Some of the Kindergarteners are
proudly able to read the names on their cards and pass them out
themselves. The ones that aren’t quite able to do this yet get help
from the parents. It is fun to watch them take the cards and treats
that are passed out to them very seriously as they attempt to read
each message on all the little cards. The cards are always chosen
with care and include their favorite characters like Disney
princesses, Sponge Bob, and even flip cards with dinosaurs. The room
is full of excitement as the cards are passed out.
I’m sure all of you
remember their elementary Valentine’s Day parties with fond
memories. I’m glad for now, the Kindergarteners can have fun
celebrating Valentine’s Day with their friends by having a fun
- Annie VanTine, Sophomore
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