National Honor Society Blood Drive
On November 1st, from 12:00 noon until 5:45 p.m., the local Red Cross and CCS’s chapter of the National Honor Society will be hosting the first of two blood drives this year.
The NHS is already busy planning for the big event. There is much to do in preparation for the blood drive to be successful. Teams have already signed up to man the many different stations. There is set-up and tear-down, greeting, registration, and the all important refreshment table.
Students need to be available to help the donors as well as the staff from the Red Cross whenever they need it.
Last year’s November drive had forty-four people give blood and the March blood drive had forty people attend. This year our goal is to beat that amount.
In addition to the satisfaction the students get from helping with this life saving event, if the turnout is large enough, the Senior NHS students are eligible to receive scholarship funds. The blood drive hours are also used to fulfill the extra community services hours that the NHS students must serve.
So let’s help make this first blood drive of the new school year a big success by asking our parents, relatives and friends seventeen and older to give blood and help save lives.
So please remember, save November 1st from 12:00 noon to 5:45 p.m. to help Mrs. Stenberg and the CCS National Honor Society set a record in attendance. Contact a NHS member to sign up.
So, after you finish with all the candy and carving out of real pumpkins, “Carve out a New Halloween Tradition” with the Red Cross and Calvary Christian Schools National Honor Society!
- Cory Greeno, Sophomore
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