Thursday, September 18, 2014

9/11 Varsity Soccer Game vs. Zion

On September 11, it was a Thursday afternoon as the Calvary Varsity soccer boys were getting ready for their game. They had mentally prepared for this game the whole day after strategize the night before at practice.

It was a cold day on Thursday of the game. The team was actually happy with the colder weather because they wouldn't have to be so hot in the beating sun. Calvary Christian playing Zion Christian. This was a conference game, so it was pretty big for the team. The team had a team dinner before to talk over things and hopefully figure out the best way to win the conference game.

Calvary was already 0-2 in the conference so they needed to figure out how to get their record back in shape and hopefully have a chance to come back and try to get a good ranking for the conference. It was time to start the game. The team huddled together and began to pray for no injuries and to just have fun and be good sports out there.

When the game started, Zion had the ball. Calvary has a solid defense so it was very hard for Zion to get it past the defense. Up on the line was Ililo, Joel and Carson which is the offense. Carson Burgess with 2 goals in the first half, along with Joel Fullmer with 2 goals. Zion with 0. It was 4-0 at the half. Calvary was excited and ready to play the second half with the intentions to play the same and hopefully come out with a win.

Zion had a strong start in the second half scoring their first goal, but Calvary was stronger and scored three more goals. Ililo scoring a goal, Carson Burgess with his third goal which made it a “Hat-Trick” and Zachary Zehr with a goal as an 8th grader on Varsity! Calvary won the conference game 7-1 and we hope to continue playing as well as we did that night!

Carson Burgess, Junior

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