I enjoy having a buddy because it is fun just to take an hour where you know you don’t have any homework or note taking to worry about, but instead you just can sit and play games, and talk about what your buddy has done in the past week, or what he/she is going to be doing this weekend. It’s cool to walk down the elementary hall and see high school kids just sitting, talking, laughing and playing games with an elementary kid. Even though your are only spending about 20 minutes a week with your buddy, it is amazing to walk through the school and see the elementary students wave to their buddy or even say, “I’m so excited for our buddy time today!”
I thought it was a wonderful idea to do the buddy system this year. It gives kids opportunity to get out of class and have all the attention be on them for some time. Whether the high school kids may know it or not, all the elementary students look up to them, and it’s a great opportunity to form a bond with a child, so they have someone to look up too. I know I always enjoy being a buddy to a few elementary students, and when you hear the laughter in the hall, you can pretty much guarantee that the rest of the juniors and seniors are there!
- Megan Beals, Junior
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