Monday, March 12, 2012

It's Great to be a Calvary Eagle!

It is well-known that this year has been a year unlike any other at CCS. On the top of the list of firsts for this year are the Varsity Basketball teams. Both the girls' and boys' teams had amazing accomplishments including finishing the regular season with a record of 17 wins, 3 losses. In both cases, this is the school record for most wins in a single season! In addition, the Girls' Varsity team went on from the regular season to win their Districts and Regional Semi-final game. While a lot can and has been said about the players and coaches behind all this, there is one more important factor that may not have gotten enough attention...yet.

      The fans of CCS have been the most loyal, enthusiastic crowd in years! Many, many kids from Elementary, Junior High, and High School came out to support the teams this season. There was also an overwhelming amount of support from adults and alumni. Amazingly, some of the most loyal fans were parents of alumni who no longer have any direct connection to the Calvary student body. Every one of these spectators played a huge role in making the winter season turn out as it did.

      Perhaps the best example of crowd involvement this season was during the District games at Muskegon Catholic Central. It was overwhelming to feel the amount of support from Calvary fans at these games. During the girls' championship game, we actually had the home court advantage against Muskegon Catholic! One of the major reasons we won that game was because of our incredible crowd that created a stimulating atmosphere with a sweet black out. Every time Muskegon Catholic tried to start a cheer, our fans would chime right in and easily overpower them. As a player in that game, I can tell you first hand how much this helped us and hurt our opponents. We were pumped up and mentally tough, while Catholic struggled with being run down physically and emotionally.

      After this game, our fans continued to push the Girls' team on. Many loyal fans drove 2 hours just to see them play! The 5th graders even skipped recess one day to make posters for each team member! Also, most of the student body lined up in the halls to cheer and high five the girls as they left for their game! You don't get to witness such amazing school spirit every day. Both teams could not be more grateful for the support and dedication of all our fans!

- Hayley Mohr, Junior

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