Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chemical Reactions with Mr. Langdon

Today in Science Mr. Langdon and the class tested multiple things to find out what makes the chemical reaction of Alka-Seltzer go faster or slower. He even had some lovely assistants come up and help. We put the Alka-Seltzer in hot water, ice water, we crushed it up then put it in the water. We even stirred the water while the Alka-Seltzer was reacting. During the experiments we made it into a kind of race, for example, we put one Alka-Seltzer in room temperature water and another Alka-Seltzer in the warmer water and tried to see which one dissolved faster.

The only one that made the Alka-Seltzer dissolve or react slower was the cold water; it was still dissolving when we were doing the other experiment.  The crushed up the Alka-Seltzer seemed to dissolve a lot faster than any of the other ways, when we stirred the water while the Alka-Seltzer was in it, it still dissolved faster than room temperature water. The hot water worked well too, but not as well as the other ways.

The whole class had fun with this and everyone wanted to come up to the front and help, or determine which one went faster. They loved the concept of having a race against one another and watching the Alka-Seltzer not quite knowing what will happen when it goes in the water.

- Lauren McGahan, Freshman

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