Monday, March 26, 2012

Spiritual Life Emphasis Day (SLED)

On March 22, 2012 the whole high school from Calvary Christian Schools went off campus to a conference center in Grand Haven.  While we were there we had a lot of sessions that were made to bring us closer to God and teach us more about him. 

                When we first got to the grounds we went into a building that had a gym and a few conference rooms in it.  We went into one of the rooms and we got a brief overview of what the day would be like.  After that, Patrick Asdell (senior) and Elise Maine (freshman) led us in the song “How Great is Our God”.  Following that, Mr. Collins came up and talked to us through what Spiritual Life Emphasis Day (known as SLED) is all about and how we can apply it to our everyday lives, not just the one day that we take off of school to reflect on God.

                After Mr. Collins was done speaking we broke up into small groups and went outside to talk about the message Mr. Collins had given us and to pray.  During that time period my group talked about how we really enjoyed that Mr. Collins broke down the meaning of SLED and told us how we should live out all of those things.

                After prayer we went back into the room we were in.  That is when Jade Kroening (senior), Natalie Kapanka (junior), Guthrie Collins (senior), and Sydni Clark (senior) led us in the song “He Loves Us”.  After that, Mr. Olling told us about his life and how he grew up in a Christian home but never really made his faith his own until he went away to college and needed to find a good church that he enjoyed going to. 

                After he was done speaking we had a snack of fruit, muffins, and juice.  Some of my friends and I decided to go outside to during our break and enjoy the beautiful sunny day.  As pretty as the day was though, after a few minutes we went back inside to hear more speakers.

                This time Mrs. Saum, Mrs. Meyer, and a couple of guys that don’t teach at our school all sat in the front of the room and 1)told us their life story, and 2)answered questions that Mr. Collins asked them about teens and what they would do differently if they were 18 again but with the current knowledge they have now.

                After that we had lunch.  We got Little Caesars pizza and we also had some veggies along with dessert.  There was also A TON of pop provided for us also.  After we were done eating we still had about 20 to 30 minutes before our next session so a few of us went out to the beach to hang out while others stuck around and played football or took pictures or just hung out and talked. 

                For our final session of the day we had 2 speakers.  1 being Mrs. May was taking the girls and we talked about how to become a Godly woman.  The other speaker took all of the boys with him and taught them how to be Godly men.  I really enjoyed our girls talk because at the end she let us just ask any questions that we had about God or angels or life in general for that matter.

                Overall, I felt that the day went very well and I really appreciate what everyone came to teach us.  I know that I enjoyed it a lot!

            Alyson Rosema, Freshman

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