Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Truth Project Bible Class

One of the best things about attending Calvary Christian Schools Bible classes is that each quarter the high school students can choose their class. I’m always interested to find out which new Bible classes Calvary is offering, and usually it’s hard to choose. For this quarter there were two options. First option was Mr. Olling's Study the Life of David and second option was Mr. Langdon's the Truth Project. I chose the Truth Project because I liked the name of the class and I was curious about what we are learning in the Truth Project.  In Truth Project there are 12 lessons.

First, lesson 1 discuses the topic of “what is truth”? The Truth Project begins by defining truth as “that which corresponds to reality.” This absolute and eternal truth, at the heart of Jesus' mission on earth, continues to be the focal point of the Cosmic Battle in our own time.

Second, lesson 2 talks about Philosophy and Ethics. It says truth is not simply an academic concept. The way we think about truth has a direct bearing upon the way we live our lives. Also, it talks about our understanding of right and wrong and how it is directly dependent on our worldview.

Third, lesson 3 talks about the Bible that tells us that man was created in God's image but fell from innocence through sin. Modern psychology, on the other hand, asserts that man is inherently good and behaves badly only under the influence of social or institutional pressure.

Forth, lesson 4 talks about eternal life, according to Jesus, as knowing God in an intimate, personal and relational way. Such knowledge, which is possible only because of divine revelation, transforms us from the inside out as we begin to see ourselves in the light of His majesty and holiness.

Lesson 5, what we were on this past week, talks about the Science, the “systematic study of the natural world,” and how it brings to light innumerable evidences of Intelligent Design, but the Darwinian theory transforms science from the honest investigation of nature into a vehicle for propagating a godless philosophy.

Now we are on lesson 6 and I am really excited to learn all the lessons from the Truth Project. The Truth Project has been strengthening my faith. I hope the Truth Project with Mr. Langdon will be a good opportunity of learning God's word.

            - Min Joo Choi, Freshman

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