Saturday, October 25, 2014

2014 Regional Cross Country Meet

On Saturday, October 25th, anxious cross country athletes arrived at Allendale High school with one goal in mind: to run their best at their regional meet. We woke up early to face the challenge that we would face. Upon arriving, we were greeted by the coaches and parents and were told to walk the course. Being a freshman, I was interested to see my first regional meet and all the competition that it presented. I was here for two reasons: to praise God by running my best and for the experience.

Although constantly reminded of those reasons, I could not shake off the feelings of fear and nervousness. The students who had run this course previously in the week spoke of the challenges that we would face on the course. They told me where to save my energy. Calvary had four athletes compete: Brendan Hamilton, Matthew Bliss, Jordan Hamilton, and me (Breece Hammond). One thing that I remember of that day was the support of my teammates.

Although not all of them were able to compete that day, they all did their very best to encourage us. Brendan told me, “Breece, although this may seem hard, it will get easier.” He suddenly smiled as though a happy memory had come to him and said, “I remember my first year; I wanted to quit and look at me now!” I think I will always remember that quote so I will never give up on the sport even when it is tough. I certainly will miss Brendan next year when he graduates. Although nervous at first, we all gave our best.

Brendan Hamilton, with a time of 16:16, took first place in the whole region and became the regional champion. He will run in the state meet on Saturday, November 1st.

Breece Hammond, Freshman

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