Cornerstone Dual-enroll Class
These past two years Calvary has had the exciting opportunity to partner with Cornerstone University in a dual-enrollment class. This year's fall class is taught by Dr. Nicole McDonald and is available to juniors and seniors here at Calvary. The course is Psychology 111 and is taught from 1:45-3:45 every Wednes
day. For those in the class it takes up all of 8th and 9th hour extending till after school. Psych. 111 is worth three college credits and its two text books are provided free for each student. This class is a great opportunity for a high school student to take as it gives you a chance to experience a college class early for free, while earning college credits.
The class is originally taught three separate times a week, but because we only meet once a week for two hours, the third hour is homework. There is assigned reading for each week and all the class power-points and assignments are online. I find it very helpful to print out the power-points ahead of time and follow along making notes in class. Currently we are starting a project with groups of three to four people each. The group must pick a topic in psychology and do a paper and presentation on that topic. Each group must make a survey and interview to gather information from people. The gathered data must be included in the eight to ten page paper. The second part of the project, the presentation, will be about twenty minutes and must include a visual aid presentation or Prezi. This project is a big undertaking, but I am excited to see what my group's final outcome will be. Over all this class is going to be difficult, but if we keep at it and work hard we will see rewards in the end.
Christi Evans, Junior
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