Saturday, October 18, 2014

JV Volleyball Tournament

On Saturday, October 18, the JV girls volleyball tournament took place. It was a cold and windy morning as girls started arriving at 8 o'clock for a busy day. The gym had been split into two courts as the morning started with pool play. This is where you play about four games of two rounds each that only go to twenty points. At the end of our pool we came out second of our side. This was with the help of our two eighth grade girls Kristina, who had awesome digs in every game and Audrey, who made over seventeen aces just in one game.

At this point it was already half way through the day and time for lunch. Mrs. Fullmer made wonderful pulled-pork sandwiches and everyone chipped in with snacks such as fruits, vegetables, and chips. But the day wasn't over yet, bracket play was just about to start and the girls were all hyped up on sugar. Also, it was single elimination, so if we were to lose any of the upcoming games we would be done for the season.

We won our first two games pretty quickly, winning the first two rounds of each, but they were rather close. Our third game was against Zion, a team who had beaten us multiple times in the past. We won the first round, but Zion came back and beat us in the second round. At this point the stands were starting to get a little crazy cheering for the remaining teams. Going into the last round we were very determined and pulled through, going onto the final game.

Our last game was against Potter's House, a team we had never beaten. We won the first round and then they came back and won the second. It was 14-12 our serve and everyone was going nuts. Audrey took the ball and made a perfect ace serve resulting in us winning the tournament. There was a lot of cheering and crying and it seemed like the pictures would never end, but in the end everyone had a great time and a lot of fun.

Christine Meyer, Freshman

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