It all started at 8:30 in the morning when they were having their final rehearsal before that night. They were all hyper and were excited to get their props and say their poems.
That night, they came up on the stage and started by saying the Pledge of Allegiance and then singing The Star Spangled Banner. After that they pledged to the Christian flag and then to the Bible. After that, they sang a few songs including the “Opposites” song and “Jesus Loves Me”. They also said passages of scripture like Psalms 100 and Psalms 63.
They did a few class things like this and then they went to sit in their seats on the stage. They each got up in small groups of 2 to 3 and said poems. I really like “Shoes” and “The Swing”. They were really cute poems. After they all said their poems the class all stood up on the steps again and sang “My Favorite Things” and said more scripture. They also sang “Acorns to Oaks”. After that, a couple of the kids introduced the slide that Mrs. Vantine made for them describing their year and each and every one of them. It was a really cute video.
After the video, it was times for the kids to walk the aisle and get their diplomas! They were all so cute in their caps and gowns. As each of their names was called, they all walked up to Mr. Kapanka and shook his hand when he moved their tassels from the right to the left. Then they went to Mrs. Vantine to get their diploma and to give her one last hug. They were all very sad to leave this Mrs. Vantine after the year they had with her! They all had so much fun!
Congratulations to the Kindergarteners! I know you guys worked really hard this year. :D
- Alyson Rosema
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