Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3rd Quarter Tuesday Electives

Recently a new quarter started, which means signing up for new Tuesday electives! Tuesday electives are meant to be more relaxing classes with no test or quizzes. For this quarter, the new classes are Weight Training, from Trash to Treasures, and Acting.

Heather Denger’s class is weight training. In the weight training class, they learn about all of the different types of muscles and where they are in the body. They also learn how to work each type of muscle when you are working out. Guthrie Collins, a senior in the class said, “It is as intense as I wanted it to be and more. I can already see my muscles bulging!” It will be exciting to see how much you can lift in the beginning of the class, and then compare it at the end of the quarter to see how much stronger you have gotten.

Kristen Price and Mrs. Rude are teaching the class, from trash to treasures. This class is basically taking simple things and making them come alive. The first week we tye-died socks. Just this past Tuesday we finished a project taking pictures from magazines, children’s books, scrabble pieces, onion paper, and lace ribbon to make our own gift bags. Then we made bows out of newspaper. Filling the bags with homemade cookie mix they were ready to be given as gifts! Sydni Clark, a senior said, “It brings back memories of arts and craft time.” It is so interesting to see peoples personalities come through there projects. It will be exciting to see what people will keep making in the class!

Lastly, Mrs. Collins is teaching an acting class. In this class they are being taught different things about acting. Bradley Tripp, a junior said, “It is fun and a great experience. There are a lot of things that you do not know about acting that you learn. My favorite thing is doing improv!” Right now, they are mostly studying improv, but later in the class they will be taught on how to find there inner character. What a great way to let your personality shine!

Tuesday electives are something that everyone looks forward to. Who wouldn’t like a class that was stress, quiz, and test free? It’s a fun way to start off the beginning of the week, and to take it with your friends, as well as other people who have the same interest in it as you!

            - Megan Beals, Junior

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