Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February Valentines

This month at Calvary we celebrated Valentines Day! Valentines Day is very exciting time for the kids at Calvary. We get to send valentines to our friends and the ones we admire. We can buy valentines from the school they offer us the option of sending a candy gram, a balloon with sucker, a rose, 6 roses, or 1 dozen roses, or a singing gram.

On the morning of Valentines Day there were so many different floating heart, and cupcake balloons it looked like a carnival in the hallway. A lot of people were caring around roses and vases of roses which made it smell good every where. A lot of the teachers handed out candy to make every one hyper, which is always good. In the elementary many of the children handed out valentines to there friends and had valentine festivities all day. In the middle school there were also many valentine Festivities that were going on, like in Mrs. Mann’s class they usually watch Charlie brown and eat candy and Mrs. Stenburg handed out some delicious candy to all of the Middleschoolers, I’m sure Mrs. Borgeson did something fun with all of her classes also. Holidays at Calvary are always really fun because every one gets so into them and tries to make them special for every body. I am sure that everyone at Calvary are excited for the upcoming Holidays, such as Saint Patrick’s day where everyone will surly be dressed out in green. Thank you so much for reading and Happy Valentines to all, Love, Hugs, and no kisses that’s not Calvary appropriate, and I will see you all later…

- Sophia Zelenka, Sophomore

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