Wednesday, February 29, 2012

English Speeches

English class is a difficult class.  In it we learn many different rules for when writing stories and speaking.  We also learn how to write papers on books and articles.  This past week though, was a little different. 

For the past 6 weeks the freshman and sophomore class have had Mrs. Collins as a substitute teacher while Ms. White is going on vacation with one of her best friends.   While she has been gone Mrs. Collins has been teaching a speech unit to us.   Since this was Mrs. Collins last week teaching us we had to use what we had learned and give a speech to our class. 

The different kinds of speeches that we learned about are Informational, Persuasive, Testimony, and Demonstrative.  For my speech I chose to do a Demonstrative Speech.  The others that did demonstrative were Gabrielle, Caleb, Lyssa, and Tereza.  Gabrielle taught us how to make puppy chow, Lyssa taught us how to make healthy granola bars, Caleb taught us how to make an origami cube, and Tereza taught us how to crochet.  I chose to teach my class how to make donuts and a glaze for the donuts. 

Some other things that others talked to us about in the Informational category was why facebook is addicting, the history of basketball, some strange machines, and skin cancer.  Some things that people talked about in the persuasive category was why students shouldn’t have as much homework, and why waste time on making stupid laws?  The stories in the testimony category ranged from the traditional in our school where we have always grown up in a Christian home and got saved at a young age to, ones where they just recently got saved after having a more difficult time at school. 

Overall, the speeches went pretty well for everyone, considering we were all super nervous.  I know that this was a great learning experience for us and who knows.  We might even end up using this sometime in our life!

- Alyson Rosema, Freshman

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