Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Kindergarteners Learn About Community Helpers

The Kindergarteners have been spending their social studies time learning about community helpers. They have been learning how important it is that we have workers who keep us safe, provide important services, and make sacrifices to keep our communities going. On Friday, January 27th, the Kindergarteners finished up their unit by going to two places where they could see community helpers hard at work.

 Their first stop was Clarke Animal Hospital. At Clarke they met Megan, a vet assistant who helps take care of our pets. She taught the Kindergarteners how she weighs each animal, assists the vet with surgeries, and passes out important medicines to help the animals feel better. The Kindergartners got to see where all the medicines were kept, how lab tests are conducted, where animals are prepped for surgery, and even see a dog on the table getting sedated for an operation. Their favorite part of the tour was meeting a ten day old goat that was being cared for because he had a crooked walk.

After the Kindergarteners said good-bye to Megan, they rode the bus across the street to the Norton Shores Fire Department and met fireman Casey. They loved seeing where the firemen cook; watch TV when they are not working, and where they sleep. They even got to “pretend” they were firemen and were woken up by the lights and alarms just like the real firefighters in the middle of the night! They ended the tour at the fire station, by taking turns sitting in the driver’s seat of the biggest fire truck. That was exciting!

The biggest thing the Kindergarteners learned from vets assistant Megan and from Fireman Casey and from their Community helper unit was how hard our community helpers work. They must be extra thankful for the many people that help to make our communities a great place to live.   

- Annie Van Tine

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