Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Valentine's Day!

February has long been celebrated as the month of romance. Every year on February 14th, many gifts of cards, roses, and chocolates are exchanged between couples. But just where did this popular tradition come from?

          Unfortunately, there is no exact historical record of the origin of Valentine’s Day. Since it’s been celebrated in one form or another for centuries, it’s even more difficult to trace as the truth has been clouded over time. Accordingly, there are a few popular legends as to what started Valentine’s Day. Here is the most widely accepted…

        Around 270 A.D., the Roman Emperor Claudius II put a ban on marriage for all young men in his kingdom. He believed that marriage would inevitably lead to families and familial sentiment which would make his soldiers weak. In order to keep his army strong, he forbid marriage and dashed the hopes of many young lovers under his rule. At this time, St. Valentine was a Catholic priest who realized the trauma this was causing many people who dared not protest Claudius. Because of this he planned to counter the new rule by secretly performing weddings for anyone who asked. Sadly, the news about this “Friend of Lovers” was quickly spread and he was arrested. While awaiting his sentencing, it is said that Valentine somehow helped his jailor’s blind daughter. After this they shared a special Christian love for each other, and she was devastated by the news of his sentenced execution. Before he was killed, he left a note for his new friend signed, “From Your Valentine.” It is believed he was then executed on February 14, 270 A.D. After his death, many Romans began to annually celebrate this day with special notes to each other. Eventually with the coming of Christianity, this holiday began to be called St. Valentine’s Day.

          Now that we see why this holiday is so special, we need to remember to celebrate it in the special way! A great way to do this is to buy gifts from the senior class. On Valentine’s Day they will be handing out roses, candy, balloons, and singing telegrams to anyone in the school you select. Thank you to everyone who helps brighten someone’s day and supports the Senior Trip with these gifts!

            - Hayley Mohr, Junior

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