Monday, February 6, 2012

Victory, Victory, Defeat

This past week was a tough week for our girls varsity basketball team. We had three huge games scheduled. Monday was Muskegon Catholic, Tuesday was Freedom Providence, and Friday was West Michigan Lutheran.  We knew that all three of these teams were very good, but definitely beatable.

Muskegon Catholic was the first team we need to beat this week. Our team decided we needed to pull it together the week before for the game, by focusing and working hard in practice, in order to beat this team. Turns out, our hard work paid off & we beat Catholic 52-35. We won this game by keeping their 3 main scorers to the least amount of points possible. In all of Calvary’s history of girls varsity basketball, there has never been a team to beat Catholic. We were thrilled to beat this team!

Providence Christian was the second team to beat.  Two years ago Providence beat us 46-9; it was embarrassing. This year we were going to make sure that wasn’t even a possibility. We guarded 2 of their best three-point shooters and their best post player. By the end of the third quarter, their post player fouled out & that was a key component in our win. The final score was 58-39. Again, no girl’s basketball team in Calvary’s history has ever beaten this team.  This was an amazing accomplishment!

West Michigan Lutheran was our third and final game of the week. To win this game, we needed to box out on every play, guard their best player Tiny Hunter, and prevent Alexis Harvey (their best rebounder) from getting too many rebounds. This game did not begin well. We were doing all the wrong things and our team was falling apart. Ending the first half the score was 22-7, and we were so embarrassed. Our team has never played this terrible, and we chose the most important game of the season to do so. It was disappointing. But, we came out in the third quarter and played a great rest of the game. If we wouldn’t have “dug ourselves a hole” (coach Brad said) in the first half, we could’ve won. We ended up losing, with a final score of 58-40. Even though there is nothing we can do about this game now, we are going to push forward as a team and hold our heads high. We can still win a District Championship, and that is what we’re aiming to do!
            - Sydni Clark, Senior

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